Principal Message - Ankur Nursery School

Message From Principal



‘Everything comes to us that belongs to us, if we create a capacity to receive it’- Rabindra Nath Tagore

The fraternity at Ankur School embarks on the mission that if an educational institution aims at building knowledge, capacities, values and dispositions among the future torchbearers of the world, it has justified the cause of its establishment. Here at Ankur School, We envision to unfold the seeds of creativity, curiosity, rational thought and independent thinking among our learners so that they bloom into autonomous individuals ensuring their democratic, economic participation for the culturally vibrant knowledge society. We strive to make our young learners realize that schools are the platforms of sowing seeds of their hopes and aspirations, dreams and ambitions and make them realize that educational growth fosters one’s understanding of the world one lives in. It gives recognition and respect. The relearning that follows learning and unlearning is what we consistently strive for.

Set amidst the natural splendour, greenery and the poise of Panjab University, at Ankur School, the learners find a perfect environment  to holistically assimilate the ethos of academic excellence with aesthetic development which is crucial to fostering ‘well rounded personalities’, as per the benchmarks of NEP 2020 & NCF 2023.  At Ankur, we provide a non-threatening, supportive ambience where each child is valued where we strive to nurture and bring to the fore the latent talent in them along with cultivating the rootedness and pride of the rich Indian culture and traditions. We believe that schools are the extended families of our communities and seek enthusiastic participation of all stake holders associated with the organisation to establish new landmarks. The teachers here are not assisted but empowered with the latest development in the field of Science and Technology and their capacities are updated regularly as they remain abreast with the innovations and experimentations undertaken by the pioneer educational establishments, the CBSE and   the NCERT. 

Knowledge acquisition and skill development of children go hand in hand as children here grow with an attitude of respect to all modes of work, whether it is with hands or with technology. We volunteer and leave no opportunity to contribute towards community outreach programmes cultivating the spirit of giving back to the society from where we receive. Along with the sustainable promotion of life skills, our key concern has always been to empower our learners with sound mental health and well-being and for that we proactively address all concerns surrounding adolescent education through structured and constructive AEP Practices.

We ensure that the learners are equipped with the necessary ‘know how’ of how to peacefully coexist with the world they live in, which is the need of the hour. Let the institution teach them to listen to each other, respect each other’s point of view, accept individual differences with ease and harmony knowing that they thrive in the world’s largest multicultural, pluralistic society where diversity and inclusion are religiously practised.

In the wake of digitalisation and technological progress, we have spearheaded the ‘critical thinking skills’ and ‘problem solving aptitude’ of our learners by encouraging them to collaborate for interdisciplinary projects and innovations. Sky is the limit for the Gen Z, the first fully digitally native generation as revolutionary changes have embraced education.

I envision an ideal learning environment where the learners are absorbed in an unquenchable thirst to explore, create, innovate and research, parents contribute in supporting the organization, teachers zealously dedicated to the educational cause, and the community at large volunteering services in the interest  and welfare of our learners.  Let all stakeholders contribute towards the flowering of this organisation.



With best wishes

Aruna Dhiman



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